Welcome to Humanitarian - The Real Michael Jackson


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Thank you for doing this for a truly beautiful human being who was greatly wronged. Lies have wings and the humble truth does not sell magazines or get high view counts. So very grateful for all the effort you have put in to creating this and for all the amazing people who offered to speak their truth.
An amazing representation of the true legacy of Michael Jackson
I was deeply moved to hear the accounts of the people who first-hand experienced the humanitarian efforts of Michael Jackson. So much passion, time and effort have gone into creating this Podcast. It's a treasure. The world needs more of this.
One of the best podcasts to watch or listen to
I think it’s a great podcast to listen to or watch on YouTube, I enjoy listening to it on Apple Podcasts .
Michael Jackson and his forgotten legacy, being a humanitarian.
I love this podcast. Not only are you making sure these stories gets told, you have done impressive work all starting with a book and a documentary before this podcast. Your tireless efforts is deeply appreciated. Thank you Paul !
Awesome mj info
The poscast is awesome! The truth of who MJ really was!
Amazing stories from those that were there
Its so refreshing to hear real, positive stories about The King of Pop from people that were actually there, as opposed to the garbage the mainstream media try to feed us these days. Well done on bringing these true stories to light.
Incredible listen
Absolutely love this podcast and book a complete info on the greatest human being and performer and humanitarian this world has ever seen and never will have again I get emotional hearing all the stories the media never showed this is a must listen to any MJ fan and any person that wants to know who the real Michael Jackson was I thank Paul and his continued support on his book and this brilliant podcast he’s the real mvp
Amazing - Love it
The first episode was just incredible. It’s great to hear the real story behind the man that was The Real Michael Jackson. Prince is just incredibly articulate and grateful for you writing this book. You could only imagine what it was like for him growing up. Sammy Paul x